MLB Unveils Cubs 2018 Holiday Uniform Combos (Less Awesome Teams Also Included)

In celebration of this year’s National Anger Baseball Purists Day, MLB has revealed the designs for the uniform combos teams will be wearing for various holidays and special events in 2018. This annual practice of unveiling new gear is old hat by now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy seeing what they’ve come up with. Or that some folks get their undies in a twist over laundry.

In all fairness, though, some of these designs have been really gaudy in the past. MLB appears to have toned things down a little bit with the jerseys, or so the examples in the featured image indicate. You can find more details and images for all 30 MLB teams over at, and I’ve include the Cubs designs again below.

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The Mother’s and Father’s Day jerseys are particularly understated, opting for an embroidered ribbon logo on the left shoulder rather than changing the color of the numbers or logos. The Memorial Day and Fourth of July selections, on the other hand, do feature the usual departures from the standard look.

Call me strange — I am, so I don’t mind — but I’m a sucker for little design elements that aren’t blatantly obvious. Take the inner band and underside of the brim for the July 4th caps, for instance. As usual, they even made allowances for those north-of-the-border folks in Toronto and Montreal.

What’s that? They’re where? Whatever, come talk to me when they win a playoff series.

I did find it really odd, however, that MLB saw fit to make the Blue Jays wear Cardinals jerseys. Or are they forcing the Redbirds to be bluejays for the day?

And for those of you who are surely wondering, yes, there are super dope socks to complement each ensemble. They’re really expensive for us normal folks to buy, but Stance (the manufacturer) does stitch knit some fine sports hosiery.

None of these items are available for purchase as of press time, though that is set to change in the near future. We’ll be sure to get some links up for those of you who’d like to get your hot little hands on this cool merch while supporting Cubs Insider in the process (we do get a portion of the sales for stuff like that). And we’re not the only ones, as proceeds from the sales of these holiday duds go to support actual good causes as well.

MLB will again donate its licensed uniform royalties that are connected to charitable initiatives. Proceeds will be donated to the Jackie Robinson Foundation (Jackie Robinson Day), Susan G. Komen (Mother’s Day), Prostate Cancer Foundation (Father’s Day), Stand Up To Cancer (Mother’s Day and Father’s Day), and MLB Charities (Memorial Day and Independence Day) — used to support programs for service men and women, veterans and military families.