Welcome to the New (and Improved?) Cubs Insider with a Cup Bump (Video)
As the world has become well aware, the Cubs are no strangers when it comes to celebrations. Wanting to keep with the tradition of toasting all manner of success with a clinking of glasses but lacking the requisite stemware, they were forced to improvise. Thus, they started bumping cups.
Celebratory gesticulations — strictly figurative, mind you — have spread to your fourth-favorite Cubs web log, which you may have noticed is looking a little different. With the New Year and Cubs Convention upon us, I figured it’d be a good time to let you know that Cubs Insider has grown just a little.
I’ll spare you all the nitty-gritty details, but suffice to say we’ve combined the efforts of Cubs Insider, Cubs Kingdom, and Cubs Related. The plan is to continue bringing you the same analysis and commentary you’ve come to not completely loathe, just with even more content.
You’re also going to get a fuller multimedia experience than what CI has featured in the past, including pictures, videos, and GIFs. If we’re able to breathe life into this mutual fever dream we’ve experienced over the last month or so, this site will have a little something for everyone. Well, maybe not you. You, though, you’ll like it.
None of this would matter without you, Constant Reader, so thank you for driving us to want to be better. The same is true for Occasional Reader and Random Link-Following Reader too, so I suppose I should offer up thanks to those demographics as well.